Rasgulla Recipe


• 2 tsp. All-Purpose Flour
• 1 cup Sugar
• ½ liter milk
• 3 tbsp. lemon juice
• 3 drops of Rose Essence
• Cardamom Powder


• Step 1
Take a pot and boil the milk. Remove from heat and put aside. Add lemon juice in to the milk then slowly and gently stir continuously until white curd forms on the surface and separates from whey. When straining this milk, the curd that's obtained is named "chenna". Wash the chenna well under cold running water and twist the fabric that was used for straining to extract water.

• Step 2
Knead the chenna to form a smooth dough. Add the refined flour and knead some more.

• Step 3
Make small balls in equal sizes (about 6-7) out of the dough and put aside .

• Step 4
Now to form the sugar syrup: Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and convey it to a boil. Add the chenna balls to the syrup and cook for quarter-hour with the lid partially covered. While cooking the chenna dumplings they're going to puff up.

• Step 5
Leave the rasgullay to cool down at temperature then add the rose essence. Finally refrigerate and chill before serving.

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