Mini bun recipe


lukewarm water ½ Cup
Caster sugar 1 tbs
Yeast 2 tsp
Flour sifted 2 Cups
Caster sugar 1 & ½ tbs
Salt ½ tsp
Powdered milk 1/4 Cup
Egg 1
Butter 50 gram
Flour sifted 1 Cup
Butter 1 tsp
Egg whisked 1
Sesame seeds


Preheat oven at 180 C.

In small bowl add lukewarm water,caster sugar, yeast and blend it very well then cover and leave it for 10 minutes.

In a bowl mix flour, caster sugar, salt, milk powder then blend well.

Add egg, butter, yeast mixture which prepared in first step and blend well for 8-10 minutes.

Gradually add flour and blend it, until well combined.

Add remaining flour and knead until dough is made.

Feather add butter and knead the dough again until it made a smooth.

Cover & leave it for 1 hour or until they become double in size (keep in warm place).

Grease hands with butter or oil then knead the dough again, sprinkle dry flour and again make a dough.

Divide the dough into four equal parts.

Take one part and make 12 ball.

Other hand greased baking tray and place buns, cover and rest it for 1 hour for doubling  (keep in warm place).

On the top of the buns,apply whisked egg and sprinkle sesame seed.

Bake it at 180 C for 15-20 minutes.

After 20 minutes remove it from the oven and brush butter on it & serve!

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