Isolation and identification of bacteria

Syeda Farah Shamim1


This project was conduct to awareness of microbial contamination on hairdressing instruments using in hairdressing salons. We randomly collected samples from five different salons such as (comb, brush and hairpins) with the help of moist sterile cotton swab and processed according standard process (Adeleye and Osidipo, 2004)1. We isolate three different bacterial spices Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp and Enterobacteria sp. The presences of these potential pathogens were indicates the hairdressing salons could be contribute the spread of infection via their services to their clients.

Key words:  Potential pathogens, hairdressing, beauty salons, health risk.


It has become very much common in 21st century to go to hairdressing and beauty salons for any festival or events. Although, it is a potential health risk or sometime cause injuries to opt their services (Adeleye and Osidipo, 2004; Barn and Chen, 2011)2. The health risk depends upon the quality of instruments or apparatus since items such as (comb, brush, hairpin and scissors) and the type of services. Major reason behind the happening is lack of rules, regulation and recommendation process. It also has observed that the tools uses for hairdressing process are continuously, being exposed by micro-organism. These microbes are present everywhere including human skin. The normal flora of skin is unique from human to human and might be cause infection to others (De Souza and Shibu, 2004)3.
It often occurs during hairdressing or treatment. During treatment it may damage the scalp by little the mistake of hair dresser. A person having treatment may have an open injury. These infections may role through the use of same tools for treatment across. As body fluid and blood cannot be observed by naked eyes, it is on treatment tools, and can be transferred to others, if it is not clean through proper disinfectant techniques (Ibrahim, 2007)4. Infections that can be spread in hairdressing premises include skin infections on the scalp, face and neck such as impetigo (Brown, 2006: Amodio et al., 2010; Barn and Chen, 2011)5.

It has also been reported by clients that using tools without proper disinfectant cause lice exchange as well (Ruddy et al., 2001)6. The object of our research is to reduced infection risk and aware the clients regarding this health risk. It is hoped that the result of this study will sensitize the hairdressing salon to this type of hazard in their process which cloud be uptake of preventive procedure against transmission of microbes.


We survey five different hairdressing salons which located around Karachi. We randomly collected three samples such as (comb, brush and hair pins) from each salon. We collect sample with the help of moist sterile cotton swab and swab stick place back to the casing to removed further contamination and each swab was labeled appropriately. Each sample was treated according to standard procedure (Adeleye and Osidipo, 2004)7. We used variety of differential or selective media for identification of contaminating microbes. We also performed gram staining or biochemical test and for further identification (Anderson and Palombo, 2009)8.


In the present study, 15 samples of in use beauty salon comb, brush and hairpin were observed for microbial contamination of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus spp. and Enterobacteria spp. Comb and brush samples had 100% S. aureus contamination, while 80% contamination for the similar pathogen from the hair pin samples..
The percentage of streptococcus spp. contamination among all areas in the beauty salons comb, brush and hairpin samples was 28%, Almost 40% of the total comb and hairpin samples, while 60% contamination was observed in brush Samples.

The percentage of Enterobacteria spp. contamination among all areas in the beauty salons comb, brush and hairpin samples was 16%, Almost 20% of the total comb and hairpin samples, while 40% contamination was observed in brush Samples.

Table 1 shows the numbers of bacterial isolates from each sample.
This study was conduct to aware microbial hazard associated to hairdressing salons. In salons clients not only exposed contaminated tools but also exposed different chemicals and thermal services. If a hairdresser used their tools on an infected client without proper cleaning and disinfection, that occur spreading an infectious diseases.  In our current study, we isolated three bacterial potential pathogenic species in the different salons. Staphylococcus aureus contamination was seen large number of the entire salon and is among the most important bacteria that cause disease in humans. This bacterium has been shown to cause various pus-forming diseases in humans such as boils, carbuncles, foliculities, impetigo contagiosa, scalded-skin syndrome. Streptococcus contamination was seen from the entire salon and this bacterium has been shown to cause various kinds of diseases in humans such as Cellulitis, Erysipelas, Bacteremia and Scarlet Fever. Very small number of Enterobacteria contamination was seen in the entire salons and also this bacterium has been shown to cause various different kinds of severe diseases in humans (Brown, 2006; Amodio et al., 2010; Barn and Chen, 2011)9. Due to the present of these potential pathogens we concluded the disinfectant procedure used in each salon which are not able to prevent transmission of pathogen or health risk.

Hairdressing salons and their service to their client cause health risk and sometime injury. This work indicated that hairdressing salon surf as hazard which leads to the spread of infection. Due to untreated tools are used in salons. However, hairdresser treats their tools before using to their services. In order to minimizes the spread of infections to their clients.

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