Best natural lip care tips at home

Sugar And Oil Lip Scrub

Exfoliation is vital – be it for your body, face or lips. It helps remove the barrier of dead skin cells and uncover fresh new cells. This sugar and oil scrub is a superb way to exfoliate and nourish your lips, it’s one extra step with extra benefits.


1. One table spoon sugar
2. One table spoon  oil (use extra virgin oil)


1. Mix one table spoon of sugar  with 1 table spoon of oil during a glass bowl.
2. Scoop out a touch mixture and gently scrub your lips in circular motions.
3. Wipe the scrub off employing a damp cloth and eventually moisturize your lips with a balm. Do this at least  5 to 8 minutes.

Exfoliate with this scrub once or twice every week.

Lemon And Glycerin Lip Mask

If you're affected by extremely dry and pigmented lips, this mask would be ideal for you as glycerin is incredibly hydrating and lemon may be a natural lightening agent. Let’s check out the way to make this amazing mask.


1. One teaspoon lemon juice
2. One teaspoon glycerin


1. Mix the lemon juice with the glycerin.
2. Store during a container (you can keep it refrigerated for an entire week).
3. Apply on clean lips employing a brush or your finger. And leave it al least 1 hour.
It are often used daily to treat dry lips.

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  1. useful blog, yes winder season can change the lips skin as hard, I really like your lip care tips at home. this will really useful for us to protect our lips in winder season
